Inflame & Pain Relief : Healthy Inflammatory Response + Herbal

WHAT Is Inflame Pain Relief? 

Inflame & Pain Relief™ contains organic ingredients, validated by scientific research for 6+ years.

It's doctor formulated to naturally help lower the 14 Primary inflammatory & pain triggers in the body,

Thus, helping produce faster results, at a much better value by supporting:

  • whole-body inflammatory reduction *ˆˆ
  • herbal pain relief *ˆˆ
  • joint mobility & flexibility *ˆˆ

It has over 6+ Reviews  and comes with a one-year, satisfaction guaranteeGet results or get a full refund + $100.00 cash back!

Who Else Wants Less Pain & Inflammation?...

Copy The Same Proven Formula My Family & I Have Been Using Since 2008

By Dr. Sam Robbins 

Did you know that inflammation is one of the leading causes of various illnesses, pain and accelerated aging (body AND brain)! I'll give you more details about this in a minute...
Personally, I've been dealing with lots of inflammation, pain and stiffness for almost 20 years due to:
  1. years of exercise ("wear and tear" on my joints, tendons and ligament)
  2. stress (both physical + emotional)
  3. negative changes in my hormones, due to overall aging

And Aging Only Made It Worse!

back pain
It seemed the older I got, the more "warming up" I required — whether it was at gym or simply getting out of bed in the morning.

Of course, I continually improved my diet and changed my workouts over the years, which helped...

But it wasn't enough!


And you know what my doctor friends told me to do — "just take NSAID drugs, such as Anti-inflammatories like aspirin, Tylenol, Advil and Aleve."

I think you and I can agree that drugs are NEVER a good, long term choice.

nsaids drugs

Not only because of the negative effects (liver, kidney, etc.), but the fact that these drugs do NOT fix the actual problem - they only MASK the symptoms and cause MORE inflammation.


Inflame & Pain Relief™ contains organic ingredients, validated by scientific research for 11+ years.
It's doctor formulated to naturally help lower the 14 Primary inflammatory & pain triggers in the body,
Thus, helping produce faster results, at a much better value by supporting:
  • whole-body inflammatory reduction *ˆˆ
  • herbal pain relief *ˆˆ
  • joint mobility & flexibility *ˆˆ


Many products claim to "reduce inflammation"...
However, Inflame & Pain Relief™ is the ONLY doctor formulated (by an endocrinology, hormone doctor) solution that has:
  • 11+ year success record
  • 11+ organic, proven ingredients
  • 119+ Reviews 
  • "5 products in 1" (saves time & money!)
  • validated clinical studies
    263x Bioavailable & 8x Absorbable
  • 14 lowering inflammatory triggers
  • Made in USA & FDA approved facility
And is guaranteed to help improve inflammation in only 30 days.or you'll get a full refund + $100.00 cash back!
Most importantly, it's a convenient, "all-in-one" solution... making your life easier and giving you the best value, which is the secret to long-term results.


Inflammation is linked to numerous health problems and illnesses. Unfortunately there are numerous causes of inflammation (diet, exercise, stress, toxins, electronic devices, etc.).
Sadly, one of the biggest causes are the negative changes in your hormones due to AGING ... The scientific term is, "Inflammaging".
Utilizing the proven solution, Inflame & Pain Relief™, helps reduce the health problems, pain and inflammation associated with aging.

My Favorite "Quick Fix" Formula

119+ Reviews

As vitally important diet, exercise, stress management and other lifestyle factors are for improving your health and reducing inflammation - it does take time, patience and persistence. ... 

Unfortunately, when you're dealing with pain and health problems related to inflammation, it's hard to be patient. 

You want results, better health and pain relief NOW, not in a few months...
And the best way to fix a problem quickly, is to attack it from multiple angles at the same time, which is what I did when I formulated Inflame & Pain Relief™ for myself over 11+ years ago. 

HOW Does It Work? 

One of the biggest reasons for Inflame & Pain Relief's effectiveness & popularity over the past 11+ years, is that fact it's a convenient, "all-in-one" solution... like "5 products in 1". 

Which obviously makes your life easier and gives you the best value. Thus, ensuring you long-term results. 

There are NO reported side-effects or negative drug interactions.

Summary & Benefits

Complete Formula — More Than Just "Curcumin or Turmeric":
BENEFIT: contains 11 clinically validated, inflammatory & pain relief extracts.
Helps Improve The 14 Primary Inflammatory & Pain Triggers:
BENEFIT: results in whole-body relief  (joints, brain, muscles, organs, etc.).
3 Step "Fix Formula" — Inflammation, Pain & Flexibility:
BENEFIT: look younger, feel healthier & perform better.
Scientifically Proven Dosages, 263x Bioavailable & 8x Absorbable:
BENEFIT: works faster, bigger relief, longer-lasting results & much better value.
Cardiovascular, Antioxidant & Immune System Benefits:
BENEFIT: anti-aging benefits, with improved immunity, heart & brain health.

Scientifically Validated Ingredients*ˆˆ

Inflame & Pain Relief's 11+ year powerful formula contains only natural, organic, NON-GMO ingredients, supported and validated by real scientific research, proving both effectiveness and safety.

This section covers the ingredients found in Inflame & Pain Relief™ and discusses WHY they work, including links to clinical and scientific studies. Under the "Supplement Facts", you'll see a list of the specific ingredients and a short overview and description.
Supplement Facts
Serving Size: 4 Capsules
30 Day Supply

IngredientsAmount Per Serving%DV*

Synergy Optimizer™ Blend3,000 MG
Turmeric/Curcumin (95% Extract, Tetrahydrocurcuminoids)
(Blend of Curcumin C3 Complex® / C3 Reduct® / BCM-95® Bio-Curcumin®)
800 MG
Ginger Extract (Orgainc; 5% gingerols)200 MG
AprèsFlex® Boswellia Serrata (65% extract)240 MG
Green Tea Extract (Theaflavin) (98% poly, 50% EGCG)400 MG
White Willow Bark (salicin) 25% salicylic acid200 MG
Pycnogenol® (pine bark extract; 97% Extract; 65% procyanidins)200 MG
Astragin® Astragalus100 MG
Trans-Resveratrol (50% Extract; Japanese knotweed)280 MG
Uncaria Tomentosa (cat’s claw; 10:1 concentration; 2.3% pentacyclic oxindole alkaloids)100 MG
Quercetin Phytosome200 MG
PARACTIN® Andrographis 10:1280 MG

† Daily Value not established
* Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet.
Made in USA Gluten free Vegetarian Non GMO Additive and filler free
Recommended Use: As a dietary supplement, take two (2) pills with food, twice (2x) daily for a total of four (4) pills. Use 5 days on (weekdays ON) with 2 days off (weekends OFF). Dosage may be adjusted upwards to six (6) total pills daily, if the desired results are not achieved after 60-90 days (typically due to additional life stress).

Other Ingredients: plant-derived vegetable cellulose, (Vegetarian capsule), Rice Flour

Does NOT Contain Any: Artificial colors, wheat, gluten, dairy, egg, fish, peanuts.

Potential Side Effects: There are no known side effects associated with this product. Some have report stomach discomfort when taken on an empty stomach. However, as with any food or supplement product, there may be infrequent and unusual highly sensitized reactions associated with this or any other nutritional supplement. If such a reaction occurs, you should consider discontinuing use of this or any product.

Warnings & Interactions: If you are pregnant, lactating, trying to conceive, under the age of 18, or taking medications (Coumadin®, heparin or any other blood-thinning medication), consult your health care practitioner before using this or any new nutritional product. Do not take this product if you're allergic to aspirin because it contains White Willow Extract (25% Salicin), which is a natural, herbal form of aspirin.

Zero-Risk Guarantee

If Inflame & Pain Relief™ doesn't improve your inflammatory markers in 30 days, you'll receive a full refund +

an additional $100.00 cash back!†

Free Shipping Orders Over $100+
($250+ For International Orders)


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